
Multimedia Storytelling

  • I think in video, audio, animation, illustrations, presentations, experiences. 
  • I select, capture and curate the nuanced details and research insights to bring stories to life. 

Prototyping & Design

  • I develop prototypes quickly to visualize concepts, test assumptions and solicit feedback with a variety of prototyping tools.
  • I analyze research insights for prototyping & design opportunities, and drive design process with making.


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‘Trust Her’ Birth Control Counseling Service


I was a part of an IDEO.org team that created a teen-centered counseling service in Dallas seeking to break down the barriers around birth control discussions.

We co-created with teens, parents and providers in Dallas County to make this service possible. Our work has been informed by conversations, research activities and collaborations with 40+ people who are teens assigned female at birth, parents or guardians, and counselor figures that included clinic staff that support teens today. 

I joined the team to support the prototyping phase of the project, where we traveled to Dallas to prototype a counseling booth using the existing brand. 

My role:

Ideation and Brainstorming

  • Identifying Design Opportunities: Collaborated with the team to ideate and brainstorm based on existing research and work. 
  • Concept Development: Developed concepts for new features and interactions that could be integrated into the counseling booth and digital platforms.

Multimedia Design

  • Multimedia Creation: Prototyped a multimedia hub which included interactive elements such as a birth control quiz, audio stories, and pamphlets, aimed at providing engaging and informative content for teens.
  • User-Centric Content: Ensured that all multimedia content was relevant, accessible, and engaging for the target audience. Incorporated feedback from users to refine and improve the content.

Rapid Problem Solving

  • Prototyping Challenges: Quickly addressed and resolved any issues that arose during the prototyping process. This included technical difficulties and user experience challenges.
  • Adaptive Design: Adapted designs on the fly to better suit the needs of users and the constraints of the prototyping environment. Maintained flexibility to ensure the best possible outcomes.

Brand Application

  • Multimedia Integration: Integrated existing brand elements into different types of media, including digital quizzes, audio stories, and printed pamphlets. Ensured that all media types worked together to support the overall brand message.

Visit the service’s Instagram

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